I had started a post earlier last week about how this Christmas season is just flying by and even though I thought I put less on my plate to make more time for enjoying my family and all the fun that accompanies this season, my plate has seemed to fill right back up. I wrote about how my stress was building, how ticked off I have been about our local radio station not playing Christmas music this year and how I just wasn't feeling as "cheery" as I hoped I would. And then yesterday happened. The unthinkable acts that played out in Connecticut really put things into perspective for me and have grieved my soul.
I first heard about the news of an elementary school shooting as I was wrapping presents for my boy. I immediately thought about those 20 mommas who were probably doing the same when they got word. These mommas have been thoughtfully picking out what presents their babies would love and enjoy in just a few days. These mommas were thinking of the new things their little elf on the shelf would do that night that would make their babies smile. These mommas were getting ready for their babies to come home from school for the weekend when their world was shaken. I can't even begin to imagine. My heart is broken. I am ashamed that I ever allowed myself to feel overwhelmed with all that I have to do, all the presents I have to wrap, all of the food I have to buy and prepare. No, I will count it all as joy!! I have gained some perspective. I will rejoice in the blessings that the Lord has graciously bestowed on my family, I will hug my boy a little tighter and I will pray for these grieving families. I will pray for strength for these mommas whose lives...and Christmases for the rest of time have been forever changed. I can't fathom the depths of their pain but I will be praying for peace and comfort for these 20 mommas and their families. Hug your babies, be thankful for the gift of life and all of the busyness that comes along with it and may it never be taken for granted.
Perspective indeed. My heart is so broken for the families, and all I can do is pray that God will wrap His arms around them and give them the comfort that can only come from our Lord and Savior.