Friday, September 24, 2010

Dear Costco Slow-Pokes,

Dear Costco Slow-Pokes,
I understand that Costco is a really cool store with lots of neat merchandise that changes frequently, however, do any of you people have any sense of purpose for which you are shopping there?? This letter comes on the heels of my trip today where I saw more than enough aimless shoppers, just meandering throughout the store without any sense of purpose! Speaking of heels, the skin on my heels are now missing because of a couple of "aimless" shoppers ramming their industrial size carts into my ankles. There is nothing being sold on the ceiling, so there is really no need to be staring at it, just look ahead, and push your cart. I also understand the really neat cultural and culinary experience you have at Costco, but just grab your mini cup of Colombian coffee, and your fluted cup of quinoa and rice pilaf and KEEP MOVING! AND, is it really necessary to wait for the hair netted worker to finish "easy baking" the crusted tilapia? Chances are it's not necessary or worth it! Oh, and another thing, must you [slowly] push your industrial size shopping cart all around the store when all you're buying is a lifetime supply of antacid and bag of asparagus??? I don't even understand why you brave Barrett Pkwy traffic, the crowded parking lot, and the even more crowded store for 2 things that you could get at publix, or the drugstore! yeah, yeah, I know, it's cheaper and you get a ton...but look for coupons I bet you can get TUMS at Walgreens for free!
Why do I go you ask?? I ask myself that same question every time I go (especially now that I have Kidd-O), and believe me, I wouldn't go if my husband didn't eat his body weight in yogurt, string cheese, cereal, and pop tarts! And I don't know why or how, but the 2 of us go through an ungodly amount of toilet paper! But I have my list, I know where everything is, and I'm in and out! I do not "shoot the breeze" there! I think it would be impossible and not even enjoyable to do so!
So, in closing, dear slow-pokes, please be aware of those around you, maybe make a list, and ya know, speed it up a bit! People are waiting behind you!

Sincerely, Me

(whew! I had to get that off my chest!)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Monday Mind Dump...

1. I have a huge crush on Hugh Laurie
2. When I grow up I want to work at Disney World
3. When I grow up, I want to throw parties for a living

4. I have a slight obsession with nail polish, and realized as I was painting my toes tonight I have 3 bottles of the same exact shade. I guess I liked that color.
5. Mr. Clean's new work schedule is wearing on me! I know he's just as bummed as me, I'm just thankful Kidd-O isn't older and really missing out on daddy time!

6. I'm trying not to be too miserable about his new job, because I know that it is allowing me to stay home with Kidd-O, and for that, I'm grateful!

7. I've decided this weekend that I'm going to try to "live and let live." I've been trying to be something I'm not, and been operating under the "fear of man". No more!

8. Publix cake is THE BEST!

9. I'm obsessed with baby hats, and MUST get my hands on more!

10. A date would be nice...maybe someday

Coopie Coo-sday

Then I Got to Thinkin'...Last Tuesday I packed up the clothes that don't fit Kidd-O anymore (or, in his case, never fit to begin with) and my heart broke just a little. Folding up the little outfit I brought him home in, and the little outfits that I have grown to love holding him in. Snuggling him in. Staring at him in. The past 7 weeks have gone by so quickly already, and even though the next milestones in his life are going to be so much fun, I'm still sad that he will never be as small as he was the day before. Then I got to thinkin'...

I got to thinkin' about how the time flies faster and faster the older you get. I remember as a child having no concept of time and not even knowing what day it was (although, this has been a problem for me lately with lack of sleep). And now the weeks just go in the blink of an eye. I want to savor every. single. moment. with my baby. While his young days may seem long to him, they will fly by at warp speed for me. I WILL make the most of them while I can. Then I got to thinkin'...

I got to thinkin' about how one day, Kidd-O will one day, if the Lord wills, get married (!). He will one day find a wife. He will one day love his wife more than he loves his momma...She will take first place (as she should), she will make the best sandwiches, she will give the best hugs. And while she will be first, receiving the bulk of his love, I will love him no less! This is a thought that I have never thought until now. Now, that I'm a parent. I have gained a new respect and admiration for my mother-in-law and other mother's who have sons. Then I got to thinkin'...

I got to thinkin' about the kind of boy I want to raise. A boy, that will one day be a man, that will one day be a husband. I pray that he will learn to love the Lord at an early age, so he can be the spiritual leader that his wife will need and deserve. I pray that he will be kind. Generous. Thoughtful. I hope he has his father's work ethic, and my...metabolism? I hope he is compassionate. Diligent. And it would be cool if he was funny too...girls love that, a guy with a sense of humor. Then I got to thinkin'...

I got to thinkin' that I have my work cut out for me. But, I also got to thinkin' about the joy and privilege this "work" will be. And even though "time flies," and even though he will one day love another more (or just differently), I will savor the moments that he only has "eyes" for his momma. No matter how fleeting it is, I will make the most of the time I have with my baby, my Kidd-O.

Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, September 20, 2010

My Monday Mind Dump...

Short and Sweet...

I've been so tired this past week that I can hardly see straight...or even think straight.

Soooo, that's it...that's all I've got this week...

but here are a couple pics!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Friday's Photo Flashback....

My First Car!

A 1993 Chrysler Le Baron convertible. That was my first car. The above picture, I believe is the only picture of me in that fine piece of machinery. This car humbled me in more ways than one.
It was kind of cute when my parents first got it for me. But it sat for a good year or two until I got over my fear of driving and actually went to get my license. I was convinced I wouldn't need the car or a license because I was just going to move to New York when I graduated and ride the taxi or subway.
I did eventually get my license because it got REAL old waiting for my mom to come and pick me up, or bumming rides from friends. The LeBaron was a good car for about 30 seconds, until I could no longer open the door's...that's right I said doorS, plural. Both doors went within weeks of each other. They were LITERALLY falling off the hinges, so I just left them closed out of fear of them amputating any limbs. Luckily, living in the south I could leave the top down or the windows open a lot of the time (which I had to do any way because the AC didn't work) leaving me no other choice than to live like the Dukes of Hazzard and hop in and out. This got real tricky when I wore dresses...but nothing that a simple chip clip couldn't fix. It was fine for me, but slightly embarrassing when I had to ask passengers to hop in and had to offer a chip clip to those wearing skirts.
To make matters a little more humbling( or exciting), it flooded when it rained. I still don't know how this happened, because I rolled the windows up and secured the top when it rained, which was much to my chagrin because I had no AC and had leather seats. I would sweat like a pig and stick to the seats like white on rice! Nevertheless, when it rained the floor of my car would fill with water, and I would have to roll my pants up to keep them from getting wet. At every stop light or whenever I stepped on the brakes, I braced myself for the great tsunami of water that would fly forward and slosh all about. Ridiculous.
When I thought my car couldn't get any worse, and it was on (what I thought was) it's last leg, the back windshield shattered. My dad, who is the king of jerry-rigging ANYTHING (like fixing a washing machine with a piece of gum, some yarn and a hanger) came up with the idea of duck taping a tarp to the back of it to keep rain or critters out...a New York Yankee's banner graced the back of my car until I could get it fixed. I did get quite a few looks on the road, but I still can't be sure if it was the banner, or if it was that my car would stall out at every.single.stop sign. or. light holding up traffic.
I grew to despise this car. My mom was convinced that it was fine and would continue running without any problems (apparently the above circumstances didn't constitute as problems) and I needed to get over it. I eventually got a new car, and it turns out that my mom was right. They gave the car to a family who needed one and I believe it may still be running "just fine" to this day.
I'm glad now that I got to experience a true "beater" as my first car. I also now believe that everyone should have a piece of garbage at least once in their life, it keeps things interesting and gives you something to laugh at later on down the road. My poor sister, Andie, is experiencing her hunk of junk now, and hopefully she can laugh at it later, because it is kind of funny that she has to carry a brick with her to keep her car from rolling.
Think back on your first car! I hope it's something that makes you smile, even if it made you cry at the time! Happy Friday, and as always, thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My Monday Mind Dump...

1. The Big event that my sis-in-law and I have been planning for months is finally over, and a HUGE success! It turned out beautifully, despite the 6 hours of combined sleep between Thursday night and Friday night, having a six week old, and I've been running a 102.1 temp because of an infection! The pictures are courtesy of our friend, the oh so talented, Kyle Dettman

2. I really wish that my husband and I were into college football, I've been saying this for a while, but I still can't decide which team to follow! Because I still can't decide, I think I'm going to go all out and root for my little brother and the good ol' Acworth Warriors! Tried and True, Orange and Blue! Maybe next year I'll pick a High School team and work my way up to college ball!
3. The main reason I wish we were into college ball is because I really want to go to a tailgaiting thing, and get all dressed up. I'm totally into guys wearing their Izods, madras shorts, topsiders, and their sunglasses hanging on some croakies, with a cold drink hangin' out in a koozie. If you know my husband but at all, you know that he wouldn't be caught dead in ANY of these things. period. I've been pushing for a pair of some topsiders for about 2 years now without any luck.
4. VH1 has been playing the top 100 artists of all time this weekend, and I have yet to see who #1 was, but I pretty much don't need to because it's going to be The Beatles. case closed.
5. My mom told me about, which is a live feed from all of the Disney parks and resorts, and the Kidd-O and I listen during the day, but it's really depressing because I have no clue when we are going to get go again. Yes, I'm 25, and yes, I've been to disney close to 30 times, and no, I never get sick of it!

6. One of my house wifely duties this week was to research insurance policies for our family...yeah, that was a joke! The lady would answer and I would say "Hi, we need health insurance," then I would hear silence for a bit, and I would say "ya, know, a personal plan, or policy, or a provider, or....ya know what, I have no clue what I'm talking about!" she would then start talking about co-pays, deductibles, HMO's, PPO's. To which she would hear silence on her end. Who are we kidding, I don't know about any of that stuff!

7. I have realized that the names I call The Kidd-O are really ridiculous! Here are just a few of the more popular ones: angel baby, love baby, love muffin, lovie dovie wuvie, poopie doopi, chumbiewumbie, toodle poodle, and poopie scoopie.

8. I also realized that Kidd-O is six weeks old, and that's usually how long maternity leave is for ladies who go back to work. I have a new found respect for those special ladies, especially my teacher friends because I'm still sooo tired, and I don't know how they function especially if their little one still isn't sleeping through the night!

9. #8 makes me even more thankful for Mr. Clean, and even though Kidd-O and I have forgotten what he looks like because he's working all.the.time, I'm grateful that I get to stay home! Sure, we may not get to take a vacation anytime soon, and we won't be driving the nicest cars, my roots may grow out, and instead of the mall, it will be garage sales, and I may have to learn that whole coupon thing, but so far, it's worth it!

10. I've decided to start a new post for Friday's. It's going to be Friday's Photo Flashback. My best friend and I always argue about who was uglier in middle school, and I've found some doozies lately that are pretty darn hilarious! I thought it would be a fun way to start the weekend, ya know, with a good laugh! And I have MANY photo's to bring a smile to your face. Don't worry Amy, they are mostly of me :)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

My Monday Mind Dump...

1. Bought 4 pints of Ben and Jerry's since last weeks post, and no, I haven't eaten it ALL yet!

2. Realized this week that I pump out roughly a 1/2 gallon of milk per day, and 3 1/2 gallons per week!!!! So I really wouldn't feel that bad if I did eat ALL of that ice cream! Just Call me Bessie!

3. I talk way to much and suffer from diarrhea of the mouth from time-to-time. It's a huge character flaw that I need to work on! I don't know why I can't shut my mouth, but I must!

4. I also realized this week that I could eat pizza everyday and probably for every meal and not mind one bit!

5. Like pizza, I could watch some movies OVER and OVER and never tire of them (Father of the Bride), but I don't feel the same way about the movies that Mr. Clean likes to watch over and over (The Bourne movies) and think it's stupid when he does...totally hypocritical, I know!

6. The Kidd-O is full on smiling now, which makes 9 months of pregnancy and 6 hours of labor TOTALLY worth it (not that it wasn't worth it before, but ya know)! Nothing better than that cheesy, toothless grin...even if he has no clue what he's smiling at! Could be me, or the fart...Unfortunately, he's not cooperative when I try to get a pic, so i don't have any proof, but will work on it this week!

7. I am preparing for a huge event (250 people) with my sis-in-law at the private school my father-in-law is the grand poo bah of on Sept. 11, and it HAS to be great! This has consumed a LOT of time and hard work!!

8. Letting the Kidd-O "cry-it-out" is SUPER hard and next to impossible for me to do, it's just way more fun to rock with him (in a rocking chair or rockin' to some hip tune-age)...yeah, yeah, I know, bad habit!

9. Mr. Clean has been working 10 and 12 hour days lately (which sucks on several levels), and the latest debate has been "who is more tired than whom?" in our house. So far it is a toss up i suppose.

10. I've always had trouble sleeping. My mind is WAY too busy, and it is soooo frustrating!!! I spent 2 1/2 hours the other night staring at the clock and crying (because I knew that with every passing minute, I was one min. closer to pumping-and-feeding) while the rest of my house was quiet. Once I started having a "conversation" with The Golden Girls in my mind, I was thankful because I knew I was entering into dreamland! That, or I knew I would need to ask Mr. Clean to check me into the Loony Bin in the morning.

Is there anything random you, my faithful reader, would like add to my mind dump? Go ahead, let it out!
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