Monday, May 23, 2011

How to...

...Eat a Popsicle. By. Kidd-O
Step 1. Sit patiently and wait for momma to give me my first popsicle

Step 2. Grab a hold and take a bite! It's reeeealy cold!

Step 3. Once you get used to the taste, just go for it! Get's ok!

Step 3. If ya get bored, dip the popsicle in between your pigs for some added stickiness...

Step 4. Smile once for that stinkin' camera

Step 5. Now get back to that yummy goodness!


  1. this is like my worst nightmare ... I don't think I could ever let clover do this. Im anti-sticky!

  2. Then you hose him down while he is still outside. :-)

  3. Yummy, Another good place to do popsicle eating is in the tub! Of course then you run the risk of it being dipped in the water, but its easy cleanup!


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