Soon after your first baby comes, many people ask themselves "What on Earth did we ever do before we had kids?!" I've seen a lot of pictures this week from all of my unencumbered, childless friends frolicking in the snow with their husbands ( I was slightly jealous, because I have an infant and am literally, completely home-bound), and I began to think...What
did we do before Kidd-O came into our lives??

I wish I could say that we went "out on the town" every Friday, enjoyed lazy Saturday's complete with brunch and later catching the newest box office smash. I'd love to tell you that we took exotic vacations every Summer, and amazing ski adventures every winter ( never mind that I'm an awful skier), with random weekends to the mountains in between. If it were up to me (the spender) we would have done all of those things...but then we'd be living under a bridge somewhere and I'd be wearing my denim jacket from middle school.

So, no, pretty much none of those things happened...at least, not like that. We didn't "go out on the town" obviously, because only 80 year old's say that anyway, and the closest thing to brunch would have been a fresh box of cheerios, and instead of going to the movies, we watched new releases on netflix. Our exotic vacation was a riveting trip to Washington DC (woot woot!), to which the entire time Mr. Clean asked when we were going back to the hotel so he could watch cable...ah, yes,that was life before Kidd-O! Exciting, I know!

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed our time, just the two of us sooo much! I loved not having the responsibility of an infant, and I was terribly worried that life would change dramatically!! However, since Kidd-O has dropped into our lives, life has been pretty much the same, except we are a little more tired, a little more strapped for cash...but we are having A LOT more fun!!! And I'm fairly certain it's only going to get more exciting from here on out! Maybe we can do all of those "fun" things when Mr. Clean and I are once again childless, a looong time from now! We'll see, but for now life can't get any better!!!!
I love this post! We certainly aren't leading an extremely exciting life before kids come either--just enjoying the time together. Seeing how much fun you are having with the Kidd-o just makes me want one even more! Now for the hubbie to get that PhD. along with a "real" job then we can start talking kids!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! Come to my blog for your award!
ReplyDeleteOur time was a little bit different before kids. We traveled to exotic places like Aruba, St. Thomas, and Cruises. We slept in on weekends, had nice dinners out, would go to Waffle House at 2 in the morning, did our grocery shopping together every Sunday night at 10pm, had yelling matches that probably woke the neighbors and of course were completly wraped up in ourselves that some would call us SELFISH. Lets be honest, EVERYONE thought we were selfish. Then here comes baby...we cannot be selfish with a newborn, we have to plan a date night...4days in advance, im a stay at home mom so there goes my income, and time for myself?? Yeah right! When things start to become overwhelming, I think back to how hard it was to bring our 7month old into this world. After 3 consecutive miscarriages, finding out there is a blood disorder and I only have half a uterus, being able to have had him on my own is a wonder in itself! While the baby came on his own good time (23hrs hard labor), I have a sneaking suspiscion that he came into this world playing a HUGE joke on my husband and I. He alone has taught us soo many lessons but number ONE? This life is so much bigger than just us!
ReplyDeleteIt is SO interesting to read another Mom's perspective on life with children. I find that in polite conversation, everyone seems to have the perfect life (with or without children), and I always like reading your blog because it feels so real. I am glad that life has gotten so more fun for you and Mr. Clean.
ReplyDeleteBeing a parent is the #1 way to show you how selfish you are and how selfless you need to be! It's a lesson that is being taught daily!! Thanks you all for the comments!