Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hot, Ready and Run!

Spring is finally here and that means a couple things!

#1: You don't have to hear me whine anymore about wishing it were least until October!

#2: Break out those Ray-Bans, because the sun is here to stay!#3: De-crustify those toenails. dust-off your sandals, and let those piggies BREATHE!#4: Play outside!

But DON'T eat the grass because that's yucky!#5: Polish off the last of those girl scout cookies, but savor them, because you won't see 'em again until NEXT spring.
#6: It's time to register for the Peachtree Road Race! And that also means I need to get my butt in gear! But a 10k aint no thang! My momma worked her booty off all winter, and it paid off! She completed her very first half marathon this morning! Way to go Momma!

And while she was running her 13.1, we supported her buy eating Krispy Kreme's!
And ya know what? There aint' nothin' better than a "Hot-and-Ready" doughnut (or 2...or 12) from Krispy Kreme! All I could hear in my brain was the P90x dude yelling at me for eating one (I can't stand that guy)...but ya know what? FORGET HIM!
Hooray for Spring! I'm so excited about it I can hardly stand it! What does Spring mean to you, dear reader?

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